The book Culture Jam is a very interresting book by far. The book has helped me to learn the different ideas that surrounds me everyday. Being as though that a lot of people have adapated to the fact that technology is needed in everyday life. Something that I do constantly everyday is talk on the phone and use the internet. Now I know that everyone uses some type of technologhy that one cant resit without using everyday. Which relates back to Culture Jam these types of technology devices that we encounter with is a type of distraction that can be labeled as "nosie".
The examples that was used in the book made me think because a lot of the things that was listed in the book I do. So I think to myself wow, talking on the phone, playing music while doing work are all noise that I do need while completly simple tasks. The generations that I have grown up into was based off of technology so I feel as though I wouldn't be able to not use it for a whole day or even multiple hours.
Another example that stood out to me in Culture Jam was when the family was in the woods and couldnt come together as one whole family. The author was trying to get across that the family was in the woods thinking about the media that captures theyre attention everyday. Instead of noticing that the whole family was together out in the woods surrounded by nature.
Is media ever going to be not needed as a high demand as it not in the society. People have the need to use media everyday. It's like we are robots and technology have take over our minds. I know for myslef if I dont have my phone with me everyday and during the day I will panic!!!!!!!!! But as I'am reading Culture Jam I realized that this is the way people are going to be in life. Media is at high demand is always going to be needed. There is no way possible that the media will not always have a huge toll in one's life. The "noise" will always interfare with our backgrounds making it harder to focus on more important things in life.
Do you think you can control the "noise" that you encounter in your everyday life?