Thursday, February 11, 2010

The dumbest generation

So this week I have learned that I was part of the " dumbest genearation" said by Dr. Bauerlein. Anyone that is under the age of thrity is apart of the dumbest generation. I dont feel as though that I'am a part of the dumb geneartion. Dr. Bauerlein feel as though this a dumb generation because people dont read all day everyday , or that people dont know all the facts that have happened in the past. I understaind that one need to know the neccessary information such as laws or knowing the admendents of the consitution. But does that make people dumb? Why do people have to be dumb there is always room for improvement in ones life. I'm pretty sure that when Bauerlein was young or growing up that he knew any and everything. I 'm also certin that had some type of technology that he was attached to.
It was also said that technology doesnt have any benefits to it. Technology has grew over the years and people are attached to it now. One uses technology for his or her own use. Such as for work, school, business, or excitement. One is not the same some people have more knowldege then others do. So I dont think it fair to group everyone togther as a whole calling everyone dumb. This generation have a lot of smart people in it that is willing to do something with his or her life. I know myself personally will strive for the best and wont let anything stop me of getting my college degree. So when someone ask me do I think I'm in the dumbest generation I will say NO, I live in a well intelligent generation that will change the world that we live in some day.


  1. Agree! We are not dumb, just smart in a different way. I also think that our generation is very important, and intelligent. Good Point, we shouldn't have to be labeled as a whole.

  2. I understand completely, he makes it sound as though we are nothing and not important. But like it or not this is the future of America and that is just it. He cannot change it so learn to accept it. There is nothing that can or even could be done to make this country any different than it is today and technology is only going to grow so i don't see why calling us dumb is worth it!

  3. Im sure that he did have some type of technology useage just like us. But I do feel that their is a need to know some of the older types of culture, hsitory, reading, etc. What those pieces show is exactly how society was, what the culture was like, etc. But yes, you do need to be up on todays events too because they will most likely be classics one day. Just because you don't like or understand the classics doesnt mean youre dumb, it just says that it is not your favorite thing. Id rather learn about things in the past then about now, becuase most likely, the things that are happening now we will be hearing about in ten years or so.

  4. i agree that we that we all have the potential to grow and change and learn. i feel that we are at college for a reason. I also feel its rediculous for him to say not to trust anyone under the age of 30. do not put me in a category!
