Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who do we try to be?

This week have been very interesting to learn different perspectives that the media have put upon the americans in the world. The media supresses the people that watches or looks at the media. The huge target that brings the people in are the ads and billboards that surrounds people everyday. The ads that show these products that trying to be sold are featured in magazines, tv, internet, and many more places. These market places not know what these ads are doing to the world, they just want to put the product out there to make money.But what will happened when people start to fade away and no money is making the stocks go up anymore. When we watched " Killing me Softly" in class the video made me think about all the different ways that the media trys to control the way people live. The ads that was presented showed the "ideal" type of women that other women have to look like. Also there was ads that show the
"ideal" man. These assumptions make people do things to look like these people in the magazines and on TV.

I feel as though that the videos show a repeated life cycle that the media wants one to follow. The media sends out certain expectations that they want one to follow. I dont agree that people have to go on diets or take certain medicine to look like the people in the magazines. People should be themselves and live the skin that they are in and be happy that they are living and breathing. Also it's important that one can step back from everything and see whats going on in ones surroundings instead of always being invloved. Its better to get the whole picture and not just half of it.


  1. I totally agree with your last paragraph. I think that we should be more comfortable with who we are and what we look like. I think that there should be ads of all sorts encouraging people to be comfortable in their skin instead of this ideal. I think the ideal is the cause of alot of problems in America today.

  2. I think most of us would agree that we need to feel comfortable with who we really are, and not try to live up to some unachievable standards...but do we really feel comfortable with who we are? If so, why do we spend thousands of dollars on the newest fashions, on straightening or coloring our hair, on waxing, cosmetics, etc. We're told we do these things to "Feel good" about ourselves. We can't feel "good" about ourselves otherwise?

  3. It just seems like everywhere a person goes, there is something telling us that we are not good enough, pretty enough, etc. and what people need to do is just say the heck with it and be themselves and themselves only. If you ask me and this is my opinion, people are always going to try to please other people with what that person wants to see. Even if a lot of people would stop trying to look like the ideal woman or man others would still try to fit that category, which woul dlikely draw more attention to them, and lead us right back to where we started! No matter what people are going to want the ideal person always. I think that its crazy to be try to live your life like that, it couldn't be any fun!!

  4. We should be comfortable with who we are. But unfortunately it inst easy in most cases. Most people try to be something that they are not and it is scary. When you walk down the street and see someone you know, you have to wonder if you know the real them, or someone so influenced by the media, that they aren't them self. The media makes you question every day who you are and who the people around you are. In some cases we may never know the truth. We may never know the real us even. That's why I think that it is important to remain true to yourself no matter what.

  5. We can sit here and say that we need to be comfortable with ourselves and who we are but is that really possible? I think that we are all at some point affected by the media in that we need to purchase a product for our own self satisfaction. If this werent true then people wouldnt be out there right now buying these products.
