Friday, April 23, 2010

The Final Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This have been a successful semester in the spring course of Into to Literature. The theme of the class have been very interesting. All of the novels that I read was a success I enjoyed all of the books. The different disscusions that we have talked about in claas had really put a toll on the furtue that is waiting for us. I do believe that this genearation is bulit on technology and the media, but thats the way that the geneartion was brung up. However that doesn't explain why some of the people in the geneartion dont know any knowledege. According to Mark Bauerlin the geneartion is dumbed downed because we focus more on popluar culture. In which I believe is true because the youth of this generation does rely on popluar culture alot. Moreover, the books makes one look at the world differently and how it may come about in the years. It makes me wonder if our society is going to be ran as a dictarship or are we going to walk around with chips implanted in our heads. The idea of having chip under our skin was already in the thought process. This class has really put a spin on things and Im very glad that I had the opprunity to have this class.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thematic Connections

In class today there have been different value statements that was brought about, in which people in the class took different stands on. One that I strongly disagree with is statement that " Prozac and other psychological drugs are used much like Soma is used in Brave New World to make "diffcult" people less of a burden on society.

When people take drugs or Soma I dont think it takes the burden off society, because the people that drink or do drugs hurts the society. I know personally that I dont want to see people dragging themselves around my community or doing stupid actions just because they're not thinking properly. Also I believe people become diffcult when they take pills or drugs just to deal with problems. Life isn't easy everything cant be sweet and given to one at his or her feet.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Brave New World

The beginning of the book Brave New World was very interesting. The book started off in the Hatchery, thats where the life of all the people in the community starts. The motto that the people follow is Community, Identity, and Stability. I believe that the people live in a community but they dont operate as an unit. In most communities everyone interact in some type of way and they are socially active towards one another. In the book people may socailize themselves with only the people thats in his or her own caste systems. However the community is organized and have order, but having so much order elimates the right to have choice. Who wants to have their choice taken from them?
The government of the book controls everyone and everything that goes on in the book. The people only know the knowlege that was taught to them. There is nothing more or nothing less. The people are trained by their caste systems so that they can function in the world. There is a social class within the people some grow to be smart and some come out to be poor. I feel as though its wrong for people to not having a choice to make their own mistakes before some tell them how their life is going to be.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The End of Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange has came to an end. The overall book was interesting; and the violence in the book was over the top in this book. I dont believe that the teens should have been subjective to all the violence. Eventhough it puts warning to the readers that read the book. It makes the reader question why do the youth get away with some much violence, or is it possible to reform a criminal.
I thought Alex wanted to change for the better. He was still involved with some violence that was surrounding him. When Alex came home from prision and he went back home to his parents, but to his surprise they bascially didnt want him anymore. They didnt have any remorse for anymore as if they lost their son to violence.
When Alex seen his old friend with his wife and child it made him wonder. Alex starts to question his youth and what he wants his furture to be like. As he states he knows that he he's not young anymore and that it;s time for him to grow up. I feel as though that seeing his friend was a wake up call for him. I wonder did it take seeing his friend having making him want to change. I feel as though the aversion therapy wasnt worth it, but to some effect it did change Alex for the better.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Clockwork Orange

In class the book we have been reading is called a "Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess. This book is very interesting so far; there are different elements in the book that makes the reader become awed. The main characters in the book are Alex (narrator), Dim, Pete,and Georgie are all memebers of Alex's gang and their his "droogs". The gang do a lot of violent excursions in the book. The guys was drinking, robbing, raping, and stealing cars. Moreover the youth in the book get away with a lot violence that they committ.

The actions from the the guys in the book correspond with one of the agree and disagree statements from class which was " Society is the blame for youth violence". I feel as though society is the balme for youth violence. There are ways that the violence one the streets can be prevented. There should be more police out one the streets day and night time. In the book the gang can clearly get away with anything. Also the teens be at the bar with adults; thats not normal in the society that I live in there is a certain age limit when one can enter the bar. Also the old guy that they had beaten up knew that the youth was taking over society and it was getting to the point that the youth was untouchable. The only way that the violence can be decreased if society stands up to the youth, and set boundaries within the teens of the community.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Was it worth going against the Feed?

This week I have learn about a man named Henry Thoreau. He wanted to live deliberately so he went against the norm of what everyone else was doing. He went to the woods for a year and had no type of technology. Now I know I could nto hve done that. I use technology to much to go without it for a whole year :(. However the book Feed relates to something that Thoreau have done in the woods. Its like he had resist the feed. This relates to the character in the book named Violet. She was a powerful person that wanted to go against the feed and not like it control her actions anymore. However towards the end of the book Violet needed the Feed to survive. I was funny because the feed could dectect that she wasn going against it. The feed had a mind of its own and it left her to suffer, so was it worth resisting the Feed?

Overall, the book was interesting because I could compare the book to my life. If someone had a chip in my head it would be very weired. I like to control what I do. Having someone talking to me in my head would be very retarted. The feed was a device that should not have used but thats not what the corps though. They bascially controlled everything from emtions, clothing, hair styles, how u think and what u eat. The Feed should me that one doesnt have to need the Feed one can manage on his or her own. Meaning that sometimes people dont have to rely on technology that much.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The dumbest generation

So this week I have learned that I was part of the " dumbest genearation" said by Dr. Bauerlein. Anyone that is under the age of thrity is apart of the dumbest generation. I dont feel as though that I'am a part of the dumb geneartion. Dr. Bauerlein feel as though this a dumb generation because people dont read all day everyday , or that people dont know all the facts that have happened in the past. I understaind that one need to know the neccessary information such as laws or knowing the admendents of the consitution. But does that make people dumb? Why do people have to be dumb there is always room for improvement in ones life. I'm pretty sure that when Bauerlein was young or growing up that he knew any and everything. I 'm also certin that had some type of technology that he was attached to.
It was also said that technology doesnt have any benefits to it. Technology has grew over the years and people are attached to it now. One uses technology for his or her own use. Such as for work, school, business, or excitement. One is not the same some people have more knowldege then others do. So I dont think it fair to group everyone togther as a whole calling everyone dumb. This generation have a lot of smart people in it that is willing to do something with his or her life. I know myself personally will strive for the best and wont let anything stop me of getting my college degree. So when someone ask me do I think I'm in the dumbest generation I will say NO, I live in a well intelligent generation that will change the world that we live in some day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who do we try to be?

This week have been very interesting to learn different perspectives that the media have put upon the americans in the world. The media supresses the people that watches or looks at the media. The huge target that brings the people in are the ads and billboards that surrounds people everyday. The ads that show these products that trying to be sold are featured in magazines, tv, internet, and many more places. These market places not know what these ads are doing to the world, they just want to put the product out there to make money.But what will happened when people start to fade away and no money is making the stocks go up anymore. When we watched " Killing me Softly" in class the video made me think about all the different ways that the media trys to control the way people live. The ads that was presented showed the "ideal" type of women that other women have to look like. Also there was ads that show the
"ideal" man. These assumptions make people do things to look like these people in the magazines and on TV.

I feel as though that the videos show a repeated life cycle that the media wants one to follow. The media sends out certain expectations that they want one to follow. I dont agree that people have to go on diets or take certain medicine to look like the people in the magazines. People should be themselves and live the skin that they are in and be happy that they are living and breathing. Also it's important that one can step back from everything and see whats going on in ones surroundings instead of always being invloved. Its better to get the whole picture and not just half of it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Technology that rises today

The book Culture Jam is a very interresting book by far. The book has helped me to learn the different ideas that surrounds me everyday. Being as though that a lot of people have adapated to the fact that technology is needed in everyday life. Something that I do constantly everyday is talk on the phone and use the internet. Now I know that everyone uses some type of technologhy that one cant resit without using everyday. Which relates back to Culture Jam these types of technology devices that we encounter with is a type of distraction that can be labeled as "nosie".

The examples that was used in the book made me think because a lot of the things that was listed in the book I do. So I think to myself wow, talking on the phone, playing music while doing work are all noise that I do need while completly simple tasks. The generations that I have grown up into was based off of technology so I feel as though I wouldn't be able to not use it for a whole day or even multiple hours.

Another example that stood out to me in Culture Jam was when the family was in the woods and couldnt come together as one whole family. The author was trying to get across that the family was in the woods thinking about the media that captures theyre attention everyday. Instead of noticing that the whole family was together out in the woods surrounded by nature.

Is media ever going to be not needed as a high demand as it not in the society. People have the need to use media everyday. It's like we are robots and technology have take over our minds. I know for myslef if I dont have my phone with me everyday and during the day I will panic!!!!!!!!! But as I'am reading Culture Jam I realized that this is the way people are going to be in life. Media is at high demand is always going to be needed. There is no way possible that the media will not always have a huge toll in one's life. The "noise" will always interfare with our backgrounds making it harder to focus on more important things in life.

Do you think you can control the "noise" that you encounter in your everyday life?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My name is Antionette Fortune. Im really looking forward to creating different blogs about this class disscusions. :)